Monday, February 28, 2011

Winter Camp Out 2011

This is what I call roughing it! But I guess they are scouts and what is that motto they are always touting? Oh yeah - Be Prepared! Well, looks like they are prepared! Gigantic tent, stove, wood - Yep all set! Aack - wait a minute - where's the grub?

I mainly included this next pic to show the trees in the background. Please remember them. And yes - Kael is looking especially macho too!

I honestly don't know what the licorice has to do with this pic - but I liked it so here it is. I wonder if he is sizing up that stove to see how it will stand up to roasted licorice! I wouldn't put it past them - they do love roasted starbursts. Whatever happened to just good ol' roasted marshmallows?
Have scouts - have fire!

Fare for the night - dutch oven potatoes and chicken. YUM!

I don't know if you can see it, but the boys burned their troop number into this piece of wood - T680. (Troop 680)

Last year it snowed almost 2 feet on the boys. We wondered if they would even be able to get home! This year when it started snowing they wondered if they were in for it again! Remember the photo earlier with the snowless trees? Well - Garrett told me that this shot was captured in the wee hours of the morning. Notice the trees!

Breakfast in the snow - so scoutish right!?!

AM Snowball fight. Still not as much snow as last years campout - but I don't see anyone complaining!

Best Troup 680 scouter ever! Glad you had a great time Garrett!

This last shot is from a bon fire the scouts held after they picked up neighborhood Christmas trees. Don't know if there were many marshmallows toasted that night - but again - have scouts - have fire!

1 comment:

  1. Garrett speaking. Well it was a fun camp out, except for a poor little scout. We sort of dared him to throw a fire cracker in the out house. Yeah, it was really stupid to do it. But I laughed because stuff sort of tend to splatter.
    HA, I hope the scout learn a lesson. The scout is a really jerk to the younger scouts. So I didn't feel bad for him. I won't tell who it is because I'll probly get in trouble. If people start teasing him.

    P.S. I didn't make the dare. But it was kind of fun. Even though we had to give the fire crackers to the leaders.
