Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving at Grandma's

Out of all the holidays, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite! Good food, lots of family, yummy leftovers, no hype. I love just the simple togetherness of the holiday! This year was spent at my mom's with my sister Nancy and her family and my brother Gilbert. I may not have pics of the meal itself, but trust me - it was excellent!

Now that Nancy's and my kids are getting older, we love to play games. On this year's agenda - Curses and Uno Attack.
Starting in on the pies and cakes. I am so glad my daughters have a couple of cousins their age - well at least Kimber's age. Addison is just grateful they let her tag-along!
Little Leighton may not have 1st cousins her age but her cousins have babies her age! I think that makes them cousins-once removed - I think...ask Gilbert - he's the geneologist in the family. Anyways - Leighton and Heaton (Sarah's second boy) warmed up to each other a bit at John's house. They are only 1 month apart.
As far as the holiday tradition of remembering what you are thankful for - here goes - Thanks to all our family and friends. We love you and are grateful for the blessings you bring into our lives! We are grateful for the restored gospel, the opportunity we have to have the blessings of the priesthood in our home and the knowledge of our Savior and His divine love for each one of us. We are grateful for a warm home - especially now our nighttime temps have dropped to -20 below! We are grateful for this time of year that helps us remember our priorities - family and gospel. And I am so very grateful for our own little family with incredible children that bless our lives and make everything worthwhile! I love each one of you!

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