Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

 We started out the Easter holiday by the way of dying eggs - what else!  Nothing beats getting those fingers colored and figuring out how to dip the eggs just right to get the best possible combination of colors!  Behold - above you can see the genetic trait of pure concentration has been passed down to Kimber!

 Saturday morning we were greeted at the park by a fellow informing us the Easter Egg Hunt had been switched to the high school.  The river is swolled and runs straight through the park.  I would like to think Jeff had something to do with this - he had asked the sherriff's wife with whom he works if extra adults would be available to monitor the river.  With all those kids running around he was concerned with safety - as always.  Anyways - she put in a phone call to her husband and low and behold - the location was switched to a more safe area.  Not to mention it was also raining!

Addison and her best friend Jaci:
 Kimber and her best friend Brooke:
 Leighton just waiting for the games sto begin!  Notice in the background across the gym is Addison. 
 Ahhh - pure contenment - one egg for each hand - lets go home now!
 Kimber really loaded up on the goods - hope it lasts a while!
 Addison and Jaci had scoped out the field before the hunt and decided what goodies they would go for and I noticed from across the gym that they were kindof kicking them a little closer to them before the race started. 

Later that day and holding true to Finch Family Tradition - the kids started looking for their baskets which had been hidden around the house.  The only rules are no hints to their location and no telling when you found someone elses.  Here they are finding their baskets in the order they found them.  Notice McKenna was last.  I don't quite know if she is growing out of looking - she didn't find hers until the next day or if it was hid that well.  I prefer to think the latter but reality check lets me know she was just to busy to really start looking for it. 

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