Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh The Places You'll Go!

So without any pictures to show off (because of lost camera), girls camp this year went wonderfully! The theme was Dr. Seuss's "Oh The Places You'll Go". Each ward picked a Dr. Seuss book and played up the rhyming fun. Wednesday night they all had the wonderful experience on a walk of Places Where the Savior Went. As they walked in small groups, they listened to 5 women who were a part of Christ’s life. They learned about repentance and the power of the atonement from the woman who committed adultery and was about to be stoned. They were taught by Mary Magdalene and about her experience seeing the Resurrected Christ. They felt faith through the woman who had a long term illness and was healed by touching the hem of Jesus’ robe. They learned that through a quiet voice, a woman in ancient America heard our Heavenly Father announce the coming of the Resurrected Savior’s. But as Mary told the girls of her experience as the mother of the Savior of the world, giving birth, raising him and ultimately witnessing his crucifixion, I was impressed with how much our Father in Heaven loved us to send His Son. Our Heavenly Father shared His Son with each one of us and by divine design; He let Him suffer so that we could return to live with Him again. After they Young Women met these incredible women from the Savior's life, they listened to the Savior talk to them as He quoted scripture and told them personally His divine plan for each one of them. It was an impressive and incredible night.
Thursday after their hike, we were taught by Brother Bliss Roberts (an EFY speaker). The girls memorized 10 essential scriptures in 8 minutes! It was incredible to listen to him teach and show the girls how exciting and fun the scriptures are (Oh the Places You'll Go In the Scriptures.) That night was Bishops night. All the girls especially look forward to Bishops night when they Bishops bring up dinner and have a personal testimony meeting with their Young Women.
Friday morning the Stake Presidency fixed breakfast - eggs, bacon, pancakes, dutch oven potatoes - yummm!!! After all this, ward broke camp and left for home. All in all I think it was an incredible camp with lots to do and learn. I am so grateful for the opportunity girls camp gives us to teach the girls, not only skills for the outdoors, but hopefully to teach them of the gospel, their Savior, and their divine nature.
I definately can say that Girls Camp is my favorite part of my calling! These girls are amazing and wonderful!

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