Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast!

I love Thanksgiving!  It truly is one of my favorite holidays!  This year both Jeff and I were on call for the hospital and unable to go out of town to be with family.  We also worried that if we invited family to our place that there might be a chance that we could both be called in.  We opted for the going solo Thanksgiving this year.  Just a quiet holiday at home.  Thanks to a couple of good friends, we did things a little different this year.  As it turns out - I did get called in to help deliver a couple of babies.  One on Monday, and then again on Wednesday.  I was truly grateful to get them both here before the holiday.  I had an idea ready for the kids to work on while I was busy on Wednesday.  They put it together and it turned out great!  This is what it looked like:

  The next idea was to have a thanksgiving feast without dishes.  I had asked McKenna earlier in the week what she thought - fancy with china or the sans dishes idea.  She opted for the dishless idea so that is what we surprised everyone with on Thanksgiving!  I took butcher paper and drew the plates on the table.  Then gave everyone a set of chopsticks.  Lots of fun and laughs!  Unfortunately for us, Jeff got called in on an emergency just as we sat down to eat.  Fortunately for him, by the time he got home we had it all cleaned up and he got to use a dish and utensils! 

 It was an easy and great idea.  We just cleared the food off the table and threw everything else all away!  Easiest Thanksgiving I have ever cleaned up!
Later that night we took another friend's daughter's Facebook picture and used it to make our own Thanksgiving turkeys and pilgrims hats.  We really had a great Thanksgiving on our own.  Although we really missed getting together with our families - we made some terrific memories just for our own!  Now on to Christmas! 


  1. What a great idea to do it dishless! You are such a fun mom. :)

  2. I love the no plates dinner! We may have to try that for Christmas dinner!
